Monday, August 25, 2008

Well...when the shit hits the fan.....

even millionaires have to result to smarter decisions.....

or do they......

I mean Puffs full up........but him spending all that $$ on gas with back and forth trips to LA really doesn't make sense ...but then again, when you reach a certain mark with your financial status, A LOT OF THINGS DON'T MAKE SENSE when it comes to celbs and their frivolous spending habits......

and then to top it off by claiming to be flying coach?? hmmmmmmm I'm not overly sure of that one Mr. Combs. As many times as you stated to be flying American Airlines...this may just be a "cut the check" thing...

Do you know how many simple mufuckas will be running to American Airlines, to fly COACH because they think DIDDY does it??

what a simple, easily influenced world we live in!!

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