Tuesday, April 21, 2009


damn.....this joint was out in 96?!?! I mean I know it's been a minute, but it doesn't feel like its been 13yrs.....CRAZY!! So I was 12, waitin for this to come on, I even would take my lil hand held recorder, and put it to the tv, to record the theme songs of the shows I really liked, lol, man, the memories.....I wish they'd bring EVERYTHING back, I mean it may not do much for our kids or whatever, but I'm sure it would get ratings from the adults who woke up every Saturday morning to a bowl of cereal and their favorite cartoons.

But damn, how fucked up was my man, a youngster with a baldy, shinier than Mr cleans.......one Jordan, and a titanium, terminator boot on his foot that made him waddle like a penguin with one leg shorter than the other.......Did they ever say, if he actually had a foot, or what?? Can't remember.... No to mention he was the proud owner of the UGLIEST DAMN3 legged dog known to man.... didnt even matter though, WayneHead, was my nigga!!!

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