Thursday, July 10, 2008

Killer Mike does just as his name says he is....

a KILLER of the MIKE (microphone)...he's been doing his thing for quite sometime now, staying true to himself as well as his grind, and he's definitely one of the most slept on artists out. Let me think, was it Bonecrushers "Never Scared" that turned me onto him?? Not sure, but in any event it was indeed around that time, that I gave him and chance and he took it from there and made me go out and cop his debut album "Monster" with the hits AKSHON, A.D.I.D.A.S, and Sex, Drugs, Rap & Roll on it....From them he had me hooked...I've been keeping an eye and an ear out for the brother ever since and he hasnt let me down yet!! They say to whom much is given much is requested..With that being said, once people realize what he's bringing to the game, he'll be around for some time to come!!

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